Making all the things in Halifax, Nova Scotia!

Welcome to…something

About Me…

Hello! My name is Claire, and I bloody love making things!

I’m originally from the North-West of England, but I now live in Nova Scotia with my husband and two ginger dogs, Tilly and Sprout. and I love to make things! I especially love to knit, and I’ve been creating woolly goodness for over twenty years, which means I’ve made a lot.

But do you want to know a secret?

I hardly wore the things I made. I’d pour my heart into projects that, although beautiful, never found a place in my wardrobe because they just didn’t feel like me. Do you know what I mean?

You see, I'm what they call a "process knitter"…

…someone who revels in the joy of creating rather than chasing the result, so at first, it didn't bother. But as time wore on, frustration crept in.

I had a closet full of knits that, while lovely, didn't resonate with who I truly am and left me confused about what I wanted to wear. I wanted to make things that felt like…well, me!

Mini Heading

Enter Flossi!

Step into my creative nook of the internet where I will guide you and cheerleader you in crafting projects that not only showcase your skills but also express your unique personality.

How I do that:

  • Through my super awesome knitting patterns that are not only a joy to knit but also offer you the flexibility to make them uniquely your own

  • On my blog, where I share tips and tutorials for conquering your making challenges.

  • Through my podcast, where you can join me on my journey of overcoming my own making issues so you can craft alongside me.

  • Through my newsletter, where I serve up monthly tips, share my WIP’s, and bring you subscriber-only goodies!

Feature Something

Do you have a blog, vlog, or membership you followers can join? Share it here!

Tilly and sprout, two medium red dogs with white patches, are sat in the snow looking up at the camera
  • In the lovely Nova Scotia in Canada, but I’m originally from Lancashire, UK! Ey up, chuck!

  • You can buy them here on my website, and also from my Ravelry store.

  • I LOVE collaborating with other creatives! Send me an email at and let me know what’s on your mind.

  • Very naughty ones! But to be more specific, they are Nova Scotia Duck Tollers!